Friday, March 14, 2014

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Slams Actor Kevin Spacey

rob ford kevin spacey

CHARMAINE NORONHA, Associated Press Writer

TORONTO (AP) - Toronto's combative mayor claimed Friday that he wouldn't know Kevin Spacey "if I ran over him," a week after the "House of Cards" star poked fun at Rob Ford when both appeared on a late night talk show. Ford's brother called the actor "an arrogant SOB."

The reason for their displeasure?

Spacey cracked several jokes at the mayor's expense when he appeared on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" on Mar. 2 shortly after a brief cameo by Ford.

"That's the first time I've had to follow a Ford," Spacey quipped. "And one that was so banged up."

When Kimmel thanked Spacey for sharing a dressing room with the mayor, Spacey responded, "Well, he threw up all over it, but those are the chances you take."

Ford has been under great pressure to resign since he admitted smoking crack last year, and several videos have emerged that showed him seemingly drunk or high. His antics have made him the target of late-night television comedians and embarrassed Canadians. City Council stripped him of many of his powers but does not have the authority to remove him.

Undaunted, Ford has vowed to run for re-election this fall.

The Ford brothers took on Spacey during their show on YouTube named after the mayor's supporters, who he refers to as "Ford Nation."

Rob and Doug Ford complained that they were told they could not talk to, or have their picture taken with Spacey.

"In my opinion, he's an arrogant SOB," said Doug Ford, who however prefaced his comments by acknowledging that Spacey is an "incredible actor."

He then added: "Kevin, why don't you get off your high horse and be real and take pictures with people?"

Calls and emails to Spacey's publicist seeking comment were not immediately returned.

Rob Ford then softened the criticism, and cautioned that maybe Spacey "does take pictures and we're not aware of it."

Photo by ​AFP/Getty Images

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