"The Great British Baking Show" returns to PBS tonight (Friday, June 16) at 9 p.m. on PBS. The show is known as "The Great British Bake Off" in the United Kingdom, where this season already aired last August to October as Series/Season 7. (It's the fourth season PBS has aired from the series, so they're calling it Season 4.)
So the winner from this batch of 12 amateur bakers is already known -- and apparently the person in question stirred up the fans, getting strong love/hate reactions, mostly for one (pretty superficial) reason.
SPOILERS AHEAD! Stop reading now if you don't want to know who won, and who came in second and third.
First, here's a promo for the new season:This is actually the final season with the OG crew of Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood as judges and Mel Giedroyc and Sue Perkins as hosts, before Mary, Mel, and Sue leave and there's a new group, on a new channel in the U.K. But don't worry about that for the U.S. yet, since we still have older seasons waiting to air on PBS.
On to the Season 4/Series 7 winner. Here are the final three:
- WINNER: Candice Brown, 31, PE teacher
- CO-RUNNER UP: Andrew Smyth, 25, Aerospace engineer
- CO-RUNNER UP: Jane Beedle, 61, Garden designer
Candice reportedly got strong reactions, not for anything in particular that she did during the show, but mostly for her pout. You can check Twitter for the many reactions to Candice's pouting face. Some loved it and her, and others couldn't stand it (or her).
Here's a rundown from The Sun of the U.K. in the intro to a Q&A they did with Candice after she won:
"WITH her sassy pout and mean meringue-topped creations, no other Great British Bake Off contestant divided the nation like Candice Brown.
From her gingerbread biscuit pub showstopper to her array of on-trend lip shades (we particularly liked the deep plum), Candice, 32, set social media alight every week with viewers either declaring her the 'queen of baking' or blasting her 'irritating smugness' and 'trout pout'.
In fact, Candice's personal life garnered almost as many headlines as her culinary craftsmanship, as it was revealed that her tree-surgeon boyfriend Liam Macaulay, now 31, had served 16 months in jail for dealing cannabis before they met."
Here's part of The Sun's Q&A with Candice:
Were you surprised by the public's love/hate reaction to you on GBBO?
"A lot of people were lovely, but there were some really mean comments, too.
I guess you get that in every walk of life, but I don't have it in me to be mean.
I'm not that sort of person, so I don't understand it.
I'd often think: 'I'm just baking a cake, why are you saying these sorts of things about me?' It was hard, but I was brought up in a pub so there was nothing I hadn't heard before."
This was apparently the most-watched season of the U.K. series to date, so let's hope U.S. viewers are just as engaged. "The Great British Baking Show" airs Friday nights on PBS.Also, if you type "GBBO Candice", one of the suggestions to finish the search is "pout." I highly recommend. #GBBO http://pic.twitter.com/4Z2Vx9qmnW
— Adrienne. (@legacymermaid) December 20, 2016
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