As you probably know, Trump faced criticism for tweeting an image of Hillary Clinton with a backdrop of money, and the words "Most Corrupt Candidate Ever!" in a six-pointed star. That image was deemed by some to be anti-Semitic, because of the Star of David shape, and the money in the background suggesting Jewish stereotypes. Trump actually removed that image and replaced it with one using a circle instead of a star, even though the original star was defended as also being a sheriff's badge. But, according to CNN, the original image was also posted to an anti-Semitic white supremacist message board 10 days earlier.
"Frozen" got dragged into Trump's defense when he tweeted this photo of Disney coloring books:
Where is the outrage for this Disney book? Is this the 'Star of David' also?
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 7, 2016
Dishonest media! #Frozen
Here are some reactions, including one from Josh Gad, who voices Olaf in "Frozen":
There might be outrage, @realDonaldTrump, IF, like you, Disney had taken this image from a white-supremacist website & added piles of $$
— lancegould (@lancegould) July 7, 2016
— Adam Mordecai (@advodude) July 7, 2016
Trump has Jewish grandchild & #Frozen tweet exposes MSMedia bias regarding Star of David Both Legit reason for this
— S.A.N.E. Planet (@saneplanet) July 7, 2016
Eric Trump this morning talking his dad's "Frozen" tweet: "It is verbatim. It is the exact same star"
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) July 7, 2016
Trump uses #Frozen book to show 5 pt star isn't racist, as if context doesn't matter. A cross isn't racist either, until it burns on a lawn.
— Tanya (@tgreene319) July 7, 2016
The rest of the campaign should be Trump reviewing Disney movies #Frozen
— Hayes Brown (@HayesBrown) July 7, 2016
Do you want to build a strawman?
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) July 7, 2016
#Trump using #Frozen tomake a point about antisemetic star usage is like Pablo Escobar using gummy vitamins 2 prove that not all drugs r bad
— Josh Gad (@joshgad) July 7, 2016
Speaking of Josh Gad, though, he's also in the new "Beauty and the Beast" movie, so if you want to ditch politics and just focus on movies, head over here to see the first official poster.
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