If the person evicted on Thursday, August 4 has the coveted round-trip ticket, maybe she will actually use that momentum to flip the house. Please. Please!
"Your boy" Paul Abrahamian is Head of Household, but his PP partner Paulie Calafiore is really running the show. Paulie is the new Frank, but a supersized one that no one seems to be targeting for some reason. Paul said right from the start that he wanted to target Bridgette Dunning. He put her on the block, with Paulie volunteering as pawn.
This Wednesday, August 3, we'll see that Paulie won the Power of Veto.
Paulie with the PoV #BB18
— Big Brother Updates (@BB_Updates) July 30, 2016
That was essentially the nail in Da'Vonne Rogers's coffin, since Paulie is hell-bent on getting Day out. Paul is replacing Paulie with Day, since that's what Paulie wants, and Day may be leaving. Because that's what Paulie wants. Paul would rather see Bridgette go, but Paulie tends to get his way in this game. So we'll see.
Frank Eudy, puppet-master of Cabbage Patch Kid Bridgette, told Paulie to look after Bridgette. And he told Bridgette to trust Paulie. So even though Paulie is the last person in the house who needs more support, Bridge appears to be trusting Team PP. (Hopefully she's lying just to get through the week.)
So who will be evicted on Thursday -- Da'Vonne or Bridgette -- and will either one of them immediately return to the house with the "round trip" ticket?
Last week, many fans suspected Frank might have the round-trip ticket, since production really loves him. But Day brings the drama, and the show loves that, too, so they may find a way to give her the ticket. We'll see.
Someone needs to go after Paulie, Corey, Nicole, Paul, and even James -- who is playing both sides. But right now the girls seem to just be targeting each other and the boys are just terrified that the girls might someday STOP targeting each other.
Paulie appears to want an all-male final, like his brother Cody and Derrick in BB16 (not that that helped Cody much), giving his chief loyalty to his showmance bros Corey Brooks and James Huling. He seems to just be using Paul and Victor Arroyo for now, and really just using Zakiyah Everette for now. The boys hope Bridgette can take out the girls they are aligned with, so they don't have to get that blood on their own hands. If only Z, Michelle Meyer, and serious disappointment Nicole Franzel would wake up, start winning HOHs, putting the boys on the block, then this season might still have a shot at being interesting.
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