Friday, August 5, 2016

'Big Brother 18' Spoilers: Victor Targets Zakiyah, James Got Care Package

It's Week 7 of "Big Brother 18" and the Head of Household is Victor Arroyo, who has learned nothing since the last time he was evicted. He appears to be targeting the two people who voted to keep Da'Vonne Rogers -- Zakiyah Everette and Michelle Meyer -- basically because Paulie Calafiore has used them up and he's ready to spit them out. Paulie and Z were/are in the Zaulie showmance, but Paulie wants to be free of the "drama" so Z is the current target.

Also, James Huling was revealed to get the second care package. America must love the Jatalie showmance, since Natalie Negrotti got the first one. This package is more strategic -- the ability to cancel two votes.

James has been able to lay low up to this point, just sticking with "the house," so this will force him to show his cards. Will he back Team PP's plan or use this opportunity to go rogue, just before the Thursday, August 11 double eviction? It may actually be a wasted twist this week, since most of "the house" seems fine with voting out the not-exactly-threatening Team Zeech. Even if James wanted to do something, he may not have the votes. Or the motivation. Why stick his neck out for people who are mad at him for betraying Day?

James dropped out of this week's HoH comp pretty quickly, leaving many fans to think he wanted to keep himself free to play in the double eviction where -- traditionally -- big moves are made because they can be made quickly and there's nothing the target can do about it. Is James hoping to get the double HoH and target Paulie, or is that just what many fans would want him to do?

Zakiyah and Michelle didn't seem to be targeting Victor going into this week. They wanted Bridgette Dunning out last week, and after the Day eviction they were mad at James and Nicole Franzel for not voting with them. But even though Paul Abrahamian was last week's HoH, Zeech don't feel betrayed by him. For whatever reason, they believe his lie that he had no idea the house would vote out Da'Vonne. Of course he knew. They also seemed to believe Paul Thursday night when he said he wasn't sure who Victor was going to put up. Of course he knew. It was his and Paulie's Team PP suggestion. Paulie also told Z he wasn't sure what would happen, completely throwing Victor under that bus. Z and Meech did feel betrayed by Paulie after the Day vote. But Z is still kinda sorta sleeping with the enemy, whether for strategic reasons or just because she's much too into him.

This is (drunk) Z before Day's eviction:

But after Day's eviction Z told Michelle she's going to keep using Paulie for information as long as she can. That may not be for very long. But overconfident Paulie opens his mouth wide, and if Z ever wanted to share his target plans, she could potentially do some real damage. But she seems more likely to just give up or turn on Victor instead of the real head of the snake.

So, for now, we have another week where one of Paulie's pet rocks does his dirty work for him.

Next week is the double elimination, and -- ironically enough -- Paulie wants to target Vic. This is what Da'Vonne told Vic as she went out the door, but he immediately told Paulie and his gang. That's Victor. Vic won the endurance HoH comp over Natalie, possibly because he heard what Day said and thought that meant he had to win now to be safe. Maybe he doesn't realize a double is coming Thursday and he can't play in it, so he's vulnerable. And expendable.

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