Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Trippy New 'American Horror Story: Cult' Preview Brings More Torment

It looks like "American Horror Story: Cult" is going to make us all coulrophobic.

The fear of clowns is a very real thing, and the upcoming season of the anthology series incorporates it to horrifying effect. The World Clown Association has been worried about the movie "It," but we suspect that "AHS: Cult" will be a problem for them, as well. Once you watch the latest preview, released Tuesday, you'll see why.

Full red noses, weapons, screams, and chants of "I want you," this preview takes scary clowns to the next level. The costumed men appear en masse and look like the last people you'd want at a child's birthday party, or anywhere else, for that matter. By the end, it seems they might just be a nightmare for Ally (Sarah Paulson), but even so, there does appear to be at least one mad clown on the loose for real.

"AHS: Cult" premieres Sept. 5 at 10 p.m. ET/PT on FX.

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