Friday, April 4, 2014

Jurassic Park's Yelp Page Is Hilariously Accurate (PHOTO)

jurassic park yelp page

Rule of thumb: things involving "Jurassic Park" will always be funny. Case in point: a mock Yelp page for the park (courtesy of Mandatory) that will have you howling like a velociraptor in heat. Seriously... this could have been really dumb but it's kind of perfect.

Not only are the "Recommended Reviews" on the phony page amazing ("Great place to visit if you feel like dying") but the longer reviews are just as terrific, like the one attributed to "Tim M.," the young character in the movie played by Joseph Mazzello. "This place started off cool. My grandpa invited me for the grand opening and I really like dinosaurs..." his review reads. Then later: "SPOILER ALERT: The dinosaurs were pissed!" (Even better is the one attributed to the Jeff Goldblum's character, Ian Malcolm. But we're not going to spoil that.) LOL x 65 million

But don't just look at the obvious -- check out the "People Who Viewed This Also Viewed" sidebar and other goodies on the page. For the little review of the Temple of Doom, the comment was "Seeing all the kids working is kind of a buzzkill. And I didn't' even get to ride a mine cart." Yes.

This Yelp page is an embarrassment of riches. Please, please drink up.

from The Moviefone Blog


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