Friday, April 4, 2014

Watch Jon Hamm Get Rejected on a Horrible '90s Dating Show (VIDEO)

jon hamm 90s dating show

At this point, we take for granted the fact that Jon Hamm is pretty much the most handsome, most charming, funniest man currently living. But apparently that wasn't always the case.

Back in the misfit '90s, Hamm showed up on a dating show called "The Big Date" (courtesy of Vulture -- and, seriously, thank you). And, spoiler alert, he had really floppy hair.

The year was 1996 and the show, hosted by Mark L. Walberg, is a painful relic of a bygone era (even the camera movements seem covered in dust). In his segment, Hamm uses the word "fabulous" to an insane degree, summing up the evening as "a night of total fabulosity." Uh, if you say so Jon. It should probably come as no surprise that he gets passed over twice...

But this story has a happy ending, because Jon's life today really is fabulous (and he's been with the insanely talented Jennifer Westfeldt since a year after this show was recorded). He's got the first half of the last season of "Mad Men" starting later this month, and we hear that next month's sports drama "Million Dollar Arm" will finally put him in the cinematic big leagues.

Also: his hair is much, much better now.

from The Moviefone Blog


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