Friday, April 4, 2014

New 'True Blood' Season 7 Teaser Reveals Premiere Date, Makes Us Sad (VIDEO)

true blood season 7 premiere dateTruebies, set your DVRs! The "True Blood" Season 7 premiere date has been revealed -- along with an unsettling reminder that this season is its last.

As revealed in the teaser below, the supernatural mayhem continues June 22 on HBO, just in time for summer in Bon Temps. In the video, we hover over a graveyard featuring tombstones of those we've lost during the first six seasons of "True Blood" (and a few we lost prior): Corbett James Stackhouse (father to Sookie and Jason), Francis Earl Stackhouse (Sookie and Jason's grandfather), poor Adele (Sookie and Jason's grandmother), Jesus Velasquez (Lafayette's boyfriend), Tommy Mickens (Sam's brother), Benedict Talley (Eggs!), Juna Garza (Sam's shapeshifting girlfriend), and Terence Quentin Bellefleur (Andy's cousin and Arlene's devoted husband).

The last shot (above) we see, however, serves as a grim reminder that this is the last season of "True Blood" we'll ever see. Whether you love (or once loved) the show, it's probably for the best. RIP, "True Blood."

from The Moviefone Blog


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