Tarantino, who had previously announced that "Hateful Eight" would also screen in the Ultra Panavision 70mm photography format at special roadshow screenings, told Variety that that version would also be slightly different from the one screening at regular multiplexes.
"The roadshow version has an overture and an intermission, and it will be three hours, two minutes," Tarantino explained to the trade. "The multiplex version is about six minutes shorter, not counting the intermission time, which is about 12 minutes."
The writer-director added that the two different versions weren't the result of studio meddling or runtime length concerns, but rather to give audiences at the 70mm screenings some small, special extras to distinguish that experience. As Tarantino explained, he didn't "want to treat the multiplex release like this left-handed version" of the movie; instead, "he tweaked certain scenes to better suit the separate viewing experiences," according to Variety, so that audiences watching later at home on cable, or perhaps on a mobile device, will still be able to enjoy the flick on those formats.
Per Variety:
For more from the director on his thought process -- and he has a lot of thoughts -- check out the entire interview over at Variety. "The Hateful Eight" will start its two-week roadshow run on December 25 in select cities; its wide digital release is planned for January 8, 2016.The sequences in question play in "big, long, cool, unblinking takes" in the 70mm version, Tarantino said. "It was awesome in the bigness of 70, but sitting on your couch, maybe it's not so awesome. So I cut it up a little bit. It's a little less precious about itself."
[via: Variety]
Photo credit: Getty Images for SiriusXM
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