Thursday, January 15, 2015

Best of Late Night TV: Gwyneth Paltrow Sings Show Tunes and Snoop Dogg hosts 'Plizzanet Earth' (VIDEO)

If you're like us and value your sleep, you probably nodded off into your Ambien dreamland before the party started on post-prime time TV. Don't worry; we've got you covered. Here's the best of what happened last night on late night.

Goop sings! Gwyneth Paltrow belted out a few show tunes last night on "The Tonight Show" -- but not just any show tunes. She performed Broadway versions of Drake, Big Sean and Niki Minaj, and it was completely amazing -- especially her rendition of "I Don't F-- With You."

President Clinton made a pit stop at "Late Night," where Seth Meyers wasted no time asking if he'd be issuing change of address cards in 2016. His response? "I hope not because 2016 is the election year and I don't have any place to move." Way to stay cryptic, Bill. (Note: Mr. President talks about Hilary's potential run at the beginning of the clip, and the rest features him musing on golf -- just a fair warning.)

Charlie Hebdo released their first issue since being attacked, and Seth Meyers took a turn for the serious by applauding those who went out and supported freedom of expression. Seth also expressed his disappointment in the fact that France arrested 54 people for hate speech. From Seth: "It's a mistake to believe that free speech means good speech. More often than not it means despicable speech. Defending the speech you believe in is easy, defending real freedom of expression, like anything worth doing, is very hard. It's never good when a free society is arresting a comedian, no matter how contemptible they might be."

On a lighter note, Snoop Dogg showed up on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" to debut his Kimmel-only nature show, "Plizzanet Earth," and it has given us renewed zest for life. Watching Snoop muse on flamingos and say things like "FLAP FLAP" is beyond your wildest dreams, so do yourself a favor and watch.

Liam Neeson also made a quick appearance on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" (sigh, so many celebrity guests, so little time), where he debuted the trailer for "Taken 4." Not to be confused with actual real-life movie, "Taken 3." Also "Taken 4" co-stars Jimmy Kimmel and Guillermo, and the preview is fabulous. Kick your day off to an action-packed start by checking it out below.

from The Moviefone Blog


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