Wednesday, September 16, 2015

'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Did Vanessa Rousso Just Win the $500K?

*Warning: BB17 spoilers ahead from the live feeds.*

Four Head of Household wins. Three Power of Veto wins. Countless tears, blindsides, more tears, deals, tears, "reasons," tears, beanies, tears, "my word," tears, and successful mist manipulations. Vanessa Rousso deserves to win "Big Brother 17." Will she? Fans will see the professional poker player get at least one step closer on tonight's Wednesday, September 16 show -- which will show her winning the all-important Final 4 Veto -- then we'll see if she gets even further in the final HOH competition.

Previously on Biiiiig Brotherrrrrrr, Steve Moses (accidentally?) won himself the Final 4 HOH competition. That's where Tuesday's show ended and tonight's live eviction will bring us down to the final three. Who will join Steve in that three-part competition, to determine the final two and winner? Well, when the live feeds returned, it was revealed that HOH Steve had nominated his allies, Johnny Mac McGuire and Vanessa, aka the people who just saved him by Judas-ing Judas. It was also revealed that Vanessa won the Power of Veto.

That's huge.

Vanessa knew she needed the Final 4 POV to have a prayer of winning the game. If she didn't get that, everyone would vote her out. Steve was especially looking forward to taking her out as a strong argument to the jury. But she's safe, and she alone gets to decide whether to evict Johnny Mac (her target last week) or Liz Nolan (whose showmance mate she just evicted). Either way, she has an excellent shot of winning the final HOH competition and (unless the jury is INCREDIBLY bitter) the entire game.

Right now, it's not clear what Vanessa will do during tonight's live eviction, although Johnny was her target before so she may just send him out. Steve wants Johnny to stay, but he's also having an existential crisis in the BB17 house, because he may have either thrown the POV comp or just "chickened out" (his words) of his plan to evict Vanessa. He wanted that move on his resume going into final three, figuring (rightly) that the jury would be impressed with Steve backstabbing his longtime ally, aka the biggest player in the game.
But Steve either threw the comp or just plain didn't win (we'll see how it played out on TV tonight) and Vanessa now has the power. She is more likely to beat Steve in the final endurance comp, and she can match him on the mental stuff. Can she be beat at all? Johnny is a good match for her when it comes to endurance, and he usually almost wins every other comp. She knows this and may take it into consideration, figuring she can (maybe) beat Liz and Steve in the final comps and should beat them with jury votes. (In this parting words, Austin "Judas" Matelson told Vanessa she wouldn't win the game, but he's wrong. The jury would take shots at Vanessa but then they'd hold their noses and give her the win. Right?)

Tonight, after the live eviction, we should see Part 1 of the Final HOH competition on the live feeds, with Part 2 happening on Friday, with the end result known on the live season finale next Wednesday, September 23.

Can Vanessa lose at this point? Yeah. If Johnny stays, he or Steve could win. And Steve could win if he ends up next to Liz. But Liz could also potentially win next to Steve if Steve flakes out in front of the jury. (Steve is in full flake mode at the moment, so it's very possible.) But Vanessa has the best odds to win the $500,000, which -- as a multi-millionaire poker player -- she must like to hear. At this point, Johnny Mac is most likely to just walk away with $25,000 as America's Favorite Houseguest.

Who do you think should and/or will win BB17?

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