Friday, May 8, 2015

Will the Boltons Die in 'Game of Thrones' Season 5? This Interview May Kill Hopes

The only -- only! -- good thing about putting Sansa Stark in the line of Bolton fire in "Game of Thrones" Season 5 was to help her avenge the death of her mother and brother. Sophie Turner said she wants fans to see Sansa as "badass" this season, so we're poised and ready for her to slay Team Flay. And yet, Alfie Allen, who plays Theon, just gave an interview to Zap2it that suggests the Boltons aren't going anywhere. Since this storyline has been altered from the book, it's hard to know what they might do, but here are some troubling (but still kinda exciting) teases from Allen:

The Boltons are definitely emerging as a superpower within the 'Game of Thrones' world. They're just so at ease and almost regal about the way they treat people and the way they just are. I mean, their banner is a skinned man, for Christ's sake. They're not the nicest bunch of people, but they're completely at ease in that fact, which kind of makes it interesting to watch."

Here's another quote:

There's some amazing scenes between Ramsay and his father this year, without a shadow of a doubt, and I think the Boltons are going to be a force to be reckoned with for the years to come."

Years to come?! Noooooooooooo. That does not bode well for Stannis Baratheon's plan to take back Winterfell. Then again, Stannis has a lousy track record. He's a walking sad trombone, so it's not too shocking to think he'd leave The Wall, even with Melisandre (which is the current plan), and still not get the job done.

This Sunday's March 10 Episode 5 is titled "Kill the Boy," and even though we'd love that boy to be Ramsay Snow Bolton, we know that's not the case. #SaveSansa #NoSeriouslySaveSansaASAPSheDeservesBetter

from The Moviefone Blog

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