No matter who is evicted from "Big Brother 17" this Thursday, August 27, he or she will have a chance to return to the house within the hour. The four jury members will compete on the next live show, and one of them will stay to compete in the next Head of Household competition and try to survive Week 10. Will professional poker player Vanessa Rousso be the houseguest who has that eviction/possible redemption story? Eh, maybe. But Johnny Mac may end up following his girl Becky out the door. #Jecky4Eva
Vanessa's onetime close ally, Austin Matelson, won the HoH competition that had just started on the August 20 live show. Last week, under his showmance Liz Nolan's HoH, there was a lot of discussion about possibly backdooring Vanessa. They decided to table the move until this week, and the original plan was for the Austwins alliance (Austin/Liz/Julia) to throw this HoH so they didn't have to be the ones to put anyone up. They had made deals with everyone in the house, so being HoH would show their cards.
But Austin finally won a solo HOH right he should've thrown it, and as of Friday afternoon he was deciding whether to nominate Vanessa outright or try to backdoor her. Will he go through with this massive game move or back out at the last minute? Both Julia and Liz now want to evict John McGuire instead of Vanessa, since Steve Moses would be forced to work with them without John. Plus, Vanessa has not gone against the twins (and she never sold Julia out, unlike Austin) and whoever returns to the house will be gunning for Vanessa. Vanessa is a good shield. Without her in the house, Austwins becomes an obvious target. (They're already an obvious target, with back-to-back HoHs, but anyway.)
Austin originally wanted to put up Steve vs. John, with Vanessa as the replacement nominee, but Steve put his foot down. Can't blame him. What is the point of making an alliance with people who put you up instead of the two other free people in the house -- Meg Maley and James Huling? It just shows that Austin wants to keep James and Meg as his true final five allies and sees Steve and John as expendable.
At this point, it looks like Vanessa or John will be evicted next, and it really could go either way, depending on who wins the Power of Veto. The POV competition will be held late on Saturday, and once those tea leaves have been read, we'll know who's leaving next (even if they just return a few minutes later).
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