An education in contemporary sex slang was just one of the reasons Weaver was compelled to take on the role of the supportive producer propping up a fraying-at-the-seams news anchor (Patrick Stewart), as the actress explained in a chat with Moviefone.
Moviefone: Obviously, things have been going well in the feature film side of your career, but I can see why you couldn't resist this series. What got its hooks into you about it?
Jacki Weaver: Well, Jonathan Ames, who I adore, I've read several of his books, and I loved "Bored to Death." He took me to lunch at the Sunset Tower Hotel and begged me to be in his new show, on his knees, and plied me with expensive food and drink and explained to me what it was going to be about. And of course, I couldn't resist. And it's been a joy. I've only seen four episodes, but we've had such fun making all ten of them. And I can't wait to start all over again and do the next series.
Give me a little bit of a fuller picture of Rosalie Winter.
Well, Rosalie is the same height as I am [laughs]. She's an Emmy award-winning, current affairs producer with many years of experience. She's been in a relationship, a professional relationship with Walter Blunt for at least 20 years. Way back, we have indications that it was an intimate relationship, so they've been lovers. He's still very dependent on her emotionally and professionally. She's a very tough boss lady, but she's also tender-hearted.
She has a husband she absolutely adores played by the wonderful Ed Begley, Jr. And without giving too much away, she also has some extramarital adventures, so she's a very complex woman, yeah, as are all the characters, thanks to Jonathan Ames. Nobody's sort of very clear cut. Like real human beings, we're all quite complex with flaws and foibles and some shocking things. Not that I'm shockable. With Seth MacFarlane behind the show, it's bound to have some shocking things in it.
I imagine anybody would be excited to work with Patrick Stewart, but we really get to see what he's capable of comedically. Tell me about being an acting partner with this side of Patrick?
Well, Patrick's enormously brave, and he's very hard-working. He comes on that set knowing that script, back to front, and he's adventurous. I mean, he'll try anything. And at the same time, he's sweet and gentle and very non-arrogant and very self-deprecating and a joy to work with, a real team player. All of that stage experience. Mind you, there are some stage actors that aren't good at teamwork [laughs], but yeah, he's highly disciplined, very humble, very sweet -- and fun. He's a lot of fun.
What do you love about the news world that the show is set in? Is it new and fresh for you, or do you keep a sharp eye on it?
Well, it's not [new], actually. I know that world very, very well because my ex husband was, for many years, a sort of cross between -- in Australia -- Larry King and Dan Rather. He had his own top-rated current affairs program with his name on it. Not like "Blunt Talk," but his name on it. So for all that time, I was very familiar with the way that world works. And back in the 70s, while I didn't give up acting, I did have a job as an interviewer on a current affairs program, and I used to interview big stars who came from America like Sammy Davis, Jr., Burl Ives, Burt Lancaster. So it's a world that I'm very familiar with. I know exactly what goes on in those TV studios [laughs]. I'm not familiar with the American programs, behind the scenes, but they probably don't differ that much.
When you were in it, what did you love about it and what drove you crazy about it?
Well, what drove me crazy about it was I wasn't acting. I'm fascinated by people, and I love finding out stuff from people, but I'm really, vocationally, a pretender. I need to become other people to get any fulfillment in life. That sounds men-tal! And I know I've been like that since the day I was born. And I've always loved getting into someone else's head and pretending to be other people. It's just the way I am.
So that was always your path, your life?
I think it was a foregone conclusion in my whole family from the moment I could talk. I think going back to being three years old and putting on different accents, French accents, Italian accents and American accents and pretending to be a different character, all together from myself, I think it was always accepted in the family. And by me, that that's what I'll be when I grow up, or before I grow up.
What is it about Jonathan's writing that you admire?
He's very original, but I love that he [writes about] people with problems on the fringe. He's pretty much obsessed with transgender people. I mean we're all fascinated by them, but I love how people who are outsiders or on the fringe or who have special problems, Jonathan can look at them with such compassion and kindness and tell their story in a really good way.
What's been the other not-obvious joys of the job that you didn't expect?
I found out what "motorboating" is. I didn't know that! Well, all the young people knew what it was. I mean, I'm not saying my generation never knew it, but we just didn't have a name for it! [Laughs]
Are you fine with saying, "Excuse me, what does this word here mean?"
Well, it wasn't even in the script. It was in the call sheet. It said, "So-and-so motorboat." I was like, "What is this thing?" And they shrieked with laughter.
Well, I'm glad your education is getting complete.
Yeah, God bless America!
from The Moviefone Blog
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