Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Should 'Modern Family' Cast Miss Colombia as Gloria's Doppelganger?

The 2015 Miss Universe PageantAnyone who watched the Miss Universe pageant -- even just the trainwreck final minutes -- had to notice that Miss Colombia Ariadna Gutierrez looks a lot like Sofía Vergara. Like, they could be twins. That led to some "Modern Family" jokes on Twitter, and some casting suggestions:

The only problem with the sister idea is that Sofia's Gloria Pritchett already has a sister, Sonia, who was on the show.

Can they add another sister at this point? Gloria and Sonia have two brothers, so it might be funny to have Ariadna Gutierrez cameo as one of their wives. Or maybe Ariadna could just cameo as a new employee at Jay's company and he keeps mistaking her for Gloria or whatnot. There has to be something they can do, whether they make her Gloria's relative or not.

Sofia, who is Colombian, shared her support for Ariadna, who briefly had the title of Miss Universe until someone told Steve Harvey that he misread the card:

She is the queen either way. What do you think -- should "Modern Family" milk this opportunity, and give Miss Colombia a break after that sad finale, or would it be too gimmicky?

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