Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Twitter Wants Marvel to Give Captain America a Boyfriend

captain america, the winter solider, bucky barnes, steve rogers, civil warFollowing the explosion of the hashtag #GiveElsaAGirlfriend, which encouraged Disney to include some LGBT representation in its upcoming "Frozen" sequel, Marvel fans are now calling on the comic powerhouse to do the same, this time with Captain America.

Twitter user Jess Salerno first tweeted out the hashtag #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend a couple weeks ago, but in the past few days it's gained some serious traction on the social media site, generating thousands of mentions as fans clamor to get Steve Rogers together with another guy (preferably Bucky Barnes, a.k.a The Winter Soldier, though other potential paramours have surfaced as well).
According to fans, the move would not only jibe with what previous Marvel movies and comics have foreshadowed (Cap and Bucky's close relationship in "The Winter Solider" and the recently-released "Captain America: Civil War," for instance), but also give LGBT filmgoers a prominent figure to relate to on the big screen. That's exactly why Salerno started the hashtag, as she explained in an interview with Metro.co.uk.

"I feel like it sucks that people in the LGBT community don't get the representation that they deserve and it would be so amazing for something like Captain America or Marvel to be able to portray that," Salerno told the site, adding that the move would be especially affirming for LGBT youth, and would "just let people know that it's okay to be who you are."

"I feel like it would do amazing things for the future," she added.

Based on the response she's getting so far (and how many people disliked Cap's romantic storyline in "Civil War"), it seems like the movement is already making a difference. Now fans will have to wait and see if Marvel responds.

[via: Jess Salerno, Metro.co.uk]

Photo credit: Zade Rosenthal/Marvel

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