Friday, July 31, 2015

See Tom Cruise Run (and Run, and Run) in Ultimate Running Movie Mashup

By now, you've probably noticed that Tom Cruise loves to run -- full speed -- in every movie. It has become an official thing. And it's a great workout! Tom is now 53 and starring in "Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation" and he has not slowed down. Several videos have been done over the years chronicling Tom's movie run -- there's one in 2009 called "Tom Cruise Running Montage" and another in 2011 called "The Evolution of Tom Cruise's Run." In honor of "Rogue Nation," a new video was just posted called "Run Tom Run - Ultimate Tom Cruise Running Mashup."

Here it is:

As you can see, there's a lot of both running and jumping. This must be his secret to staying young -- always keeping on the move. If he ever decides to run for office, it won't be hard to come up with clever campaign videos. The man knows how to hustle for votes! And since he just said "MI6" is in the works, we can expect him to keep running for many years to come.

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