"Big Brother 17" has only been airing for a week but a month's worth of drama has been happening on the live feeds. This house is already an asylum and it's not even clear who's running things anymore. Tonight (July 1) we'll see the results of the Power of Veto competition, which was actually held on Friday, and tomorrow (Thursday) BB17 will give us the first live eviction of the summer. The BB Takeover twist can alter whatever it wants at any time, and plans change within minutes in the "Big Brother" house, but as of now two things seem clear: 1) Jace Agolli will be evicted and 2) the majority of the house wants Audrey Middleton out ASAP.
But in the first week, Audrey has played HARD -- too hard. It was noticed that she has an alliance with just about everyone and she basically circles the house from conversation to conversation playing telephone, stirring up drama, then complaining that the house is just playing telephone and there's so much drama. It caught up to her. So, as of now, the target for Week 2 has moved from Austin or Liz to Audrey. Will it last? We'll see. It could be that Audrey (BB's first ever transgender houseguest) wins the Week 2 HOH on Thursday or she wins back the house's trust.
For now, expect to see Steve win POV tonight and Jace become the first houseguest to leave BB17 tomorrow. However, the motto of this show is Expect the Unexpected, so there may be a last minute change on Thursday to send Jackie from pawn to packing. It's happened before.
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from The Moviefone Blog http://ift.tt/1BYqWWQ
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