Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Russell Crowe Really Wants Pope Francis to See 'Noah'

russell crowe pope francis noah

Though its big budget, celebrated director, and all-star cast have already gotten it plenty of attention, Russell Crowe, the titular star of Biblical epic "Noah," still wants one more person to know about the film: Pope Francis I.

The Academy Award-winning actor used his Twitter account last weekend to implore the leader of the Roman Catholic Church to make a point to see "Noah," which Crowe called "powerful, fascinating, [and] resonant."

Crowe also asked his followers to help spread the word and retweet his request that His Holiness somehow attend a "Noah" screening. Obviously, the subject matter is of direct connection to the pope's job, taking inspiration from the Bible, but it's curious to see Crowe take such a direct approach. And considering that Francis is already on Twitter -- using two different, verified accounts no less -- it would seem that he'd already be aware that the film exists. (Though maybe popes make a point of avoiding Hollywood fare as a rule?)

Whatever Crowe's reasoning, it would be kind of cool if Pope Francis granted the actor's request. Stay tuned to see whether this Twitter connection comes to fruition.

[h/t Cinema Blend]

from The Moviefone Blog http://ift.tt/1eh9Rd9


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