Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Watching 'The Lion King' Without Animals Is Like Having Your Childhood Erased (VIDEO)

lion king without animals

"The Circle of Life" has taken a dark turn, you guys. All this ad from Greenpeace Netherlands needs is some Sarah McLachlan and sad-eyed puppies to bring on the waterworks. What better way to illustrate the dangers of not protecting the environment than slowly erasing all the adorable animals from Disney's "The Lion King"?

Appropriately enough, this video by Studio Smack is called "Hacking Disney," and not even Simba is safe from these pixel-manipulating monsters. The only thing we can do to stop them from tugging at our hearts any more is to donate to Greenpeace, obviously.

If Studio Smack did indeed "hack Disney" with this video, it will be interesting to see if the studio responds. Then again, taking on Greenpeace would make the company look about as cuddly as P.L. Travers on a bad day. [Via Gizmodo]

from The Moviefone Blog http://news.moviefone.com/2013/12/31/lion-king-without-animals-video/


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