Black said that the approach that he and co-writer Fred Dekker were taking was an "inventive sequel." "As far as Fred and I are concerned," Black told Collider's Adam Chitwood. "Why start over, when you've all this rich mythology yet to mine?" Black, apparently, isn't a huge fan of reboots but that he can "get behind inventive sequels." The draw for Black was "the idea of expanding and exploring the existing 'Predator' mythology, rather than hitting the restart button."
The filmmaker went on to say that Dekker, who co-wrote one of Black's very first screenplays, "The Monster Squad," is the "perfect" collaborator for the project, but wouldn't elaborate on the specifics of the new story.
Besides John McTiernan's original, groundbreaking "Predator," released back in 1987, the franchise spawned two sequels: 1990's middling "Predator 2," which replaced Arnold Schwarzenegger with... Danny Glover, and 2010's surprisingly underrated "Predators." Additionally, there were two crossover films with the "Alien" series: "Alien vs. Predator" (2004) and "Alien vs. Predator: Requiem" (2007). But the less said about those the better.
Hopefully we'll hear more about this project very soon.
from The Moviefone Blog
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