Tuesday, September 2, 2014

8 Stars Toronto Could Do Without at TIFF

31st Annual Toronto International Film Festival -

It's no secret that stars aren't always on their best behaviour at all times. After all, when the whole world worships you, it can pretty easily go straight to your head. It can make you believe that the same rules of etiquette (and even the law) don't apply to you. You're above it.

We've all heard whispers of Mariah's demands for white furniture, Beyonce's insistence on brand-new toilet seats and Britney's strict orders for Cheetos and cheeseburgers. But diva behavior isn't limited to divas. A handful of actors have infamously worn out their welcome on the Toronto Film Festival's red carpet with their diva antics and entitled behaviour. And hey, we're Canadian; that kind of attitude doesn't really fly at the film festival renowned for bringing stars and regular folks together to bask in a mutual love of cinema.

While most stars are nothing but gracious at TIFF, there are a few whose ridiculous demands, complaints and out-there antics have left us asking "Really?" Here are eight celebs we think TIFF just might be better off without.

Sean Penn. You may not remember his movie "All the King's Men," but you probably remember that Penn infamously lit up a cigarette in the middle of a press conference during the 2006 festival. And no, it was not an outdoor press conference. It was inside a hotel ballroom, where lighting up is not just frowned upon -- it's against the law. Government officials were quick to scold Penn for his flagrant contempt for the rules. Apparently he thought such rules don't apply to him, and he clearly hasn't heard of Nicorette.

Tom Hanks. Why, Tom, why? Hanks is widely renowned for always being the nicest guy in the room. But for some reason, TIFF brought out his snide side. During a press conference for "Cloud Atlas" in 2012, Hanks complained that the festival treats celebrities like "bulls on the way to slaughter." He went on to say he'd rather be water skiing. Toronto would probably be OK with it if he opts for water skiing over a return visit next time.

Madonna. No direct eye contact with Her Madgesty! In fact, turn away from her entirely -- no facing her general direction. Those were the orders TIFF's hard-working volunteers received from the Material Girl's security detail in 2011 when she was in town to debut "W.E." Madonna's reps later denied that such orders came from her team, but that sounds like damage control to us. Also, who could forget the infamous "hydrangeas" incident?

Emile Hirsch. You would think that actors would be comfortable in front of the camera, but apparently that's not the case for Emile Hirsch. At a festival party in 2011, an official photographer asked to take his photo. A reasonable request at an industry event, right? Evidently, Hirsch didn't see it that way, and reportedly told the photog to "piss off." Really classy, Emile. Maybe that's why we haven't seen this one rising star in anything for awhile.

Gerard Butler. At the same party Emile Hirsch rudely told an official photographer to "piss off," Butler arrived with a huge entourage and reportedly got "aggressive" when he received push-back at the door. At a festival packed with A-listers rolling with smaller crews, it takes a lot of nerve to think you're somehow even more special than say, Emily Blunt or Ryan Gosling. But, Butler is the star of flicks like "The Bounty Hunter" and "The Ugly Truth," so maybe he really is better than everyone.

Justin Bieber. The Biebs was relatively well-behaved at TIFF in 2012, when he joined on-again off-again gal pal Selena Gomez as she promoted two very different flicks: "Hotel Transylvania" and "Spring Breakers." That said, Bieber is a ticking time bomb. You never know when he'll decide to hawk a loogie off a balcony, start drag racing while inebriated or, most baffling of all, successfully seduce supermodels and then rub it in people's faces. (Seriously, Miranda Kerr. What were you thinking?)

Nick Nolte. Apparently the seasoned actor doesn't think a TIFF gala is worth getting properly dressed up for. He notoriously showed up to the 2012 premiere of "Gangster Squad" decked out in a yellow robe. Sure, it was a nice robe. Looked expensive. But the bizarre move diverted attention away from the film, cuz all people could talk about was Nolte's wardrobe choice (or lack thereof). And really, TIFF should be all about the movies. Not sleepwear. He also managed to stop traffic, but not in a good way, when he tried to walk across one of Toronto's busiest throughfares on a red light. In his pajamas.

Lindsay Lohan. During the 2008 festival, Lohan had no official business at TIFF. No films to promote -- either at the fest or in the works. But that didn't stop her from making the rounds on the party circuit, possessively clinging to her DJ girlfriend, Samantha Ronson. Lohan herself didn't do anything especially objectionable, aside from being sulkily glued to Ronson while she DJ'd events. It's more LiLo's fans that are the problem. Toronto Life saw a LiLo devotee "smack a girl in a wheelchair" at Ultra in order to get a better vantage point for gawking at the troubled star. So yeah, unless LiLo stages a massive comeback and actually has official business at TIFF, the fest is probably better off without her.

The Toronto Film Festival runs from September 4 - 14.

from The Moviefone Blog http://ift.tt/1qlnfTg


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