Tuesday, March 25, 2014

How to Survive a Flood (According to the Movies)

Survive Flood Disaster Movies Noah

In the Biblical story of the Great Flood, now depicted once again in Darren Aronofsky's "Noah," God gives his chosen hero a vision of the forthcoming global disaster as well as plans for the massive ark that will keep Noah, his family, and numerous pairs of animals safe until the waters subside.

Whether natural occurrence, or accident, or intentional man-made deluge, life-ruining volumes of water have made multiple appearances on the big screen, and typically there are characters who overcome the devastation in ways that might be helpful to you if you're ever faced with such a calamity.

Below, you'll find some helpful (and not-so-helpful) tips to surviving a flood, according to the movies.

Photo courtesy Paramount

from The Moviefone Blog http://ift.tt/1jsA2l7


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