Monday, March 3, 2014

Liza Minnelli Tried Really Hard to Be in Ellen's Epic, Twitter-Crashing Selfie (PHOTO)

liza minnelli ellen selfieWhile many viewers (including Moviefone staffers) wondered why Liza Minnelli didn't play a bigger role in Sunday's Oscars telecast, it turns out that Liza with a Z intended to -- but fell just short. Literally.

A behind-the-scenes shot from inside the Dolby Theatre showed the diminutive actress jumping in behind the star-studded gang that comprised the Most Epic Selfie Ever -- but her height prevented her from being visible in the picture. Minnelli even tried to hoist herself up higher by bracing one arm on the seat in front of her and another on the shoulder of someone in the cluster, but still couldn't rise to the occasion.

We're bummed that the Hollywood legend couldn't be part of the already-famous moment, and a bit sad that the Oscars apparently have such a stigma against short people that Minnelli was in the height minority Sunday night. On behalf of vertically challenged people everywhere (full disclosure: your author is a petite 5'2" herself), we salute your efforts, Liza; you can stand tall today knowing that you tried to do us proud. For that, we thank you.

[via: Happy Place]

from The Moviefone Blog


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