Disney's latest animated musical "Frozen" is enjoying a flurry of critical praise this holiday week, and it's partially due to the clever songs performed by Idina Menzel, Jonathan Groff, Kristen Bell and Josh Gad. The tracks -- penned by husband and wife duo Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez of "Avenue Q" and "Book of Mormon" fame and composed by Christopher Beck -- range from catchy and bold ("Let It Go") to sweet ("For the First in Forever") to laugh-aloud funny ("In Summer" -- sung by a snowman). The "Frozen" score is so memorable, it has been hailed as "Disney's best since 'Beauty and the Beast.'"
In celebration of the fantastic "Frozen" score, we've ranked 10 of Disney's soundtracks since the release of "The Little Mermaid" in 1989. We kept the list to Walt Disney productions (no Pixar), but here are 10 Disney soundtracks to check out both on-screen (not every piece makes it onto the official soundtrack) and for your personal collections.
from The Moviefone Blog http://news.moviefone.com/2013/11/27/best-disney-soundtracks-of-the-past-25-years/
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